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QUESTION Two different language NewsManager
News Manager (updated) is still a one-language plugin.

With some workarounds (using tags for langs, some conditionals in the template, .htaccess tweaking, etc.) you can emulate a multilanguage news site with it (TeeJay does in his site - I can search for the post where he explains how) but it's a rather advanced setup.

For multilanguage news/blog I think the best option is I18N Search and/or I18N Special Pages.
Another good one might be the Matrix Blog plugin, but I'm not sure if it's stable enough (and if it's still being mantained).
The Pages & Comments plugin might also be worth a look (though you'd probably have to use different pages for each language).

That multilanguage News Manager version you downloaded seems to be a patched one based on old version 2.2.4 (which has some issues that have been fixed in 2.2.5 and later), and still needs more patches to adapt it to your own languages.

Messages In This Thread
Two different language NewsManager - by themk - 2014-06-17, 22:39:19
RE: Two different language NewsManager - by Carlos - 2014-06-24, 00:49:22
RE: Two different language NewsManager - by themk - 2014-06-24, 23:14:19
RE: Two different language NewsManager - by themk - 2014-06-26, 09:23:54

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