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News Manager (updated)

Please insert this in your template or some component:
PHP Code:
<?php echo '<br />OS: ',php_uname(),' -- ',PHP_OS,'<br />'?>

In your site you'll probably see something like:
OS: Windows blah blah ... -- WINNT

Just tell me if the first string is some Windows version, and if you get that last "WINNT" string.

Thank you.
@Carlos :

Here it is :

OS: Linux 3.2.2-grsec-mutu-grs-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 26 14:55:34 UTC 2012 x86_64 -- Linux
@fimpl Thanks.
I thought these non-utf8 problems were only with windows servers...

Another test please. Insert in template or component:
PHP Code:
strftime('%B, %b, %h',strtotime('Thu, 10 Feb 2013 10:02:13 +0100')); 

février, févr... ?
Sorry Carlos but i can't help you immediately : my site is now broken and i need to repair it.

Yes, thank you.
I had this issue already created in the bugtracker (github). I'll try to fix for the next release.


Could you please try this?

edit news_manager/inc/functions.php line 85


PHP Code:


PHP Code:
posting my first contribution, after releasing this last week
Even if I correctly format the html in my news manager, posts are published with no respect of <p> and <a href>*; any suggestion?

* actually this happens in the homepage only, the news page, if I select excerpts as default, not in the details one.
(2013-01-20, 10:06:07)Carlos Wrote:
PHP Code:
strftime('%B, %b, %h',strtotime('Thu, 10 Feb 2013 10:02:13 +0100')); 

@Carlos :
I get this :
Quote: février, févr., févr.
@filmpl Great! Thanks. Next NM release will have this fixed and you won't have to patch it.
(2013-01-21, 05:27:14)Carlos Wrote: @filmpl Great! Thanks. Next NM release will have this fixed and you won't have to patch it.

I thank you for this great plugin. :-)
(2013-01-21, 04:16:16)nicolap Wrote: Even if I correctly format the html in my news manager, posts are published with no respect of <p> and <a href>*; any suggestion?

* actually this happens in the homepage only, the news page, if I select excerpts as default, not in the details one.

That's how it works. If you select excerpts, all html tags are stripped in the frontpage, archives, etc. If you want to keep them you have to select full posts.
(For the record)

An user had an issue with NM: couldn't delete posts, edited ones were saved as duplicate. (German forum)

It happened with any post, even those having only English characters in titles. And didn't happen with GS pages.

I think it was a problem with PHP's rename() function, which was just not working. It was on Windows 7 with PHP 5.2.9, XAMPP Lite 1.7.1. When the user tried with PHP 5.2.12, those problems disappeared.
(2013-01-21, 06:59:52)Carlos Wrote:
(2013-01-21, 04:16:16)nicolap Wrote: Even if I correctly format the html in my news manager, posts are published with no respect of <p> and <a href>*; any suggestion?

* actually this happens in the homepage only, the news page, if I select excerpts as default, not in the details one.

That's how it works. If you select excerpts, all html tags are stripped in the frontpage, archives, etc. If you want to keep them you have to select full posts.

A limitation though, a usability issue in the end, as I might need to insert a link in the second row of a 30 row page (too long to be fully inserted in the main page - homepage in my case).
Thanks anyway
(replying to )


Win XP, php 5.3.5. I have no issues deleting GS pages, nor NM posts.

leda had issues with NM, php 5.2.9. Problems disappeared with 5.2.12

It seems it happens on some Windows environments, not all. I think it could be that rename() may not move the file if the destination exists.

I've fixed this (I hope) for next NM release with a fallback for rename (copy+unlink, like GS does for pages)
Hi Carlos,
sadly no good news. My NM still not work well specially when I try to modify a news: it clones the news!
Of course my GetSimple works very fine, in fact I am using your plugin "RecentPages" instead of NM and I have no problems with the pages.
Anyway, adding your line "<?php echo '<br />OS: ',php_uname(),' -- ',PHP_OS,'<br />'; ?>" to my site, it says "OS: Windows NT WEBS213 5.2 build 3790 -- WINNT"
Maybe this could be useful for you to fix NM definitely.
Meanwhile I will test your patches read you soon
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Carlos, CONGRATULATIONS! You resolved completely the problem on IIS!
Then, I tried your NM "special version" on a IIS 6 and a II 7
and everything worked perfectly. I posted news and deleted them or I modified them without any problems!
THANKS AGAIN!!! I will give you more info tomorrow!
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
Hi again Carlos!
Then, your "News Manager 2.3.2 beta" works perfectly on two kind of IIS serves:
1) OS: Windows NT WEBS3103 6.1 build 7601 -- WINNT
2) OS: Windows NT WEBS213 5.2 build 3790 -- WINNT
Gracias Amigo!
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
News Manager 2.3.2 (available for download in Extend)

No new features, just another maintenance release:

- (temp) fix to use correct utf-8 locale for dates
- fix utf-8 date issues in Windows
- fix post delete/update issues in some Windows environments
- fancy URL (htaccess) support for 'no parent' permalink structures
- several minor fixes
I am starving to test it Smile
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
There are only a couple changes (related to the admin htaccess sample page) since the beta you tested.

BTW thank you for your latest reports.
Hi Everyone!

Correct me please if I'm posting in a wrong thread.

I really liked this plugin. Thanks for sharing it!

I have just one question - how do I enable commenting on the blog post pages created with this version of News Manager? I don't want to use external services like Disqus, and I'm looking for something simple. I mean to let users comment using a nick of their choice. Captcha mechanism not needed but I don't mind it. I want to be able to remove posts (edit them too, if possible). Ideally, a comment would be published only after I validate it, but that's optional. Emoticons, text formatting, quoting etc. would be nice to have, but not really needed.

I have tried the "Pages & Comments" plugin. It almost cuts it, but its UI and the comments it adds to a page just don't look too good. A minor thing is that it pops up also on the very page where the blog posts are listed, instead of just the post pages alone. Its admin interface also needs some work. But it works, after all. Wish there was something similar, even simpler, but more polished.
(2013-02-06, 05:52:58)Oleg06 Wrote:
echo '</a></p>'; get_external_comments($slug, $url, $title);
and use the plugin external comments

As I wrote, I would like to avoid any external commenting sevices. Suggestions?
Any chance you could modify the plugin(s) so they report version data for this plugin?

I thought it was because of the file name (news_manager.php), that is the same as for roog's original plugin. I intended to rename the plugin or something to fix this issue.

However, a while ago I just noticed that anyway there's some problem in Extend with all recent files (with a file id higher than 525, I believe). I've reported this to the GS team.

Could you please check with some other plugin? e.g. News Manager Title

(2013-02-06, 05:13:25)czk Wrote: I have just one question - how do I enable commenting on the blog post pages created with this version of News Manager? I don't want to use external services like Disqus, and I'm looking for something simple.

That's not currently possible with this version of News Manager.

Alessio_roma made a NM 2.2.4 mod to work with his ARGuestbook plugin. I think this is the closest thing to what you want:

(Besides Pages & Comments, which is a different concept, as it uses GS regular pages for posts)

PS I hate this post-mix feature (?) of myBB...
(2013-02-06, 05:13:25)czk Wrote: I have just one question - how do I enable commenting on the blog post pages created with this version of News Manager? I don't want to use external services like Disqus, and I'm looking for something simple.

(2013-02-07, 05:12:08)Carlos Wrote: That's not currently possible with this version of News Manager.

Are you by any chance planning to implement post commenting in your plugin?

(2013-02-07, 05:12:08)Carlos Wrote: Alessio_roma made a NM 2.2.4 mod to work with his ARGuestbook plugin. I think this is the closest thing to what you want:

Not bad. Unfortunately it provides its own NM + modifications. I wouldn't be able to update it to the latest version of your plugin.

(2013-02-07, 05:12:08)Carlos Wrote: (Besides Pages & Comments, which is a different concept, as it uses GS regular pages for posts)

Do you have an idea how hard it would be to integrate Pages & Comments with NMU posts rather than GS pages? I'm going to look into it now. I would appreciate any hints pointing me in the right direction. I know next to nothing about PHP and web development, but I have general scripting experience and I'm motivated to enable comments on my blog (in preparation: I liked GS too much to switch to something else now just because of 1 missing feature. If I would come up with something usefull, I would happily share it back.

Update (2013.02.12): Giving up on this. Although I was able to quickly hack P&C to add comments on selected NM posts, it will be much work for me to make it well. Mainly due to both the GS and NM pages not having uniqe IDs. I don't want to rely on slugs, which are a subject to change in my setup.

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