Custom Title seems to be a good feature but because i am not a pro there are problems to understand the short existing installation procedure. Can you give me a little assistance + step by step instruction where 1st: to put the variable and 2nd : where to place the new modified title. I will modify the name/title of the website only to be the same on all pages.
Thanks for help.
Due to a request I've created a custom title plugin.
This plugin allows you to change the default title tag, you can use the following variables: %sitename% Name of the website (as defined in GetSimple setup) %pagetitle% Title of the current page (as defined in the editor - the one display in the page body) %parenttitle% Title of the parent's page %menutitle% Title of the current page's menu item (if it has one)
You can also define custom title tags for a specific page (overriding the site default) in the editor options -> Custom title tag (empty for default)
Go to the Plugins page, then click on the Custom Title Settings Link. Here you can set a sitewide title (default) which is used when no specific title is set for a page.
To define a title tag for a specific page, go to the Page overview, then open the More Options menu and change the Custom title tag (empty for default).
You can use the following variables:
%sitename% Name of the website (as defined in GetSimple setup)
%pagetitle% Title of the current page (as defined in the editor - the one display in the page body)
%parenttitle% Title of the parent's page
%menutitle% Title of the current page's menu item (if it has one)
Version 1.3
- Fixed bud which allowed html code in title tag, which could cause unexpected behavior
- Fixed issue which escaped quotes with a lot of backslashes on systems where magic_quotes are enabled
- Added support for special characters
Version 1.2
- Fixed styling issue with the custom title input form in page settings
- Fixed issue in the options page of the plugin
Version 1.1
- Fixed that you couldn't set custom title for any page
Version 1.0
Detailed installation instructions you can find on the plugin page:
Plugin Link – Download