GetSimple Extend Repository

7 results found for "fancybox"

The Photo Gallery 1.5 (Plugin)

This is a gallery plugin that utilizes the folders within the "Files Management"...
Tagged: photo gallery photo gallery lightbox thumbnails plugin

I18N Gallery 2.3.0 (Plugin)

You can create multiple image galleries as collection of images with titles and descriptions (in multiple...
Tagged: gallery images pictures slide show slides photo

FancyBoxPlugin 1.1 (Plugin)

This little Plugin (only three files with less then 40 lines ^^) enables [FancyBox]( for...
Tagged: fancybox image front photobox lightbox

Flamingo 2.2.2 (Theme)

2.2.2 UPDATE: Reference fix for background images (again) 2.2.1 UPDATE: Fixed validation errors. Charts...
Tagged: theme responsive flamingo mobile optimized theme html5

NivoSlider for I18N Gallery 1.0 (Plugin)

<p>This "plugin to a plugin" adds <i>another</i> gallery type to the...
Tagged: slider gallery responsive

Responsive FileManager 2.8 (Plugin)

This plugin is a great project called Responsive filemanager integration into GetSimple CMS.<br> **RFM...
Tagged: file manager responsive upload image edit tools animated image gallery

nanoGALLERY for I18N Gallery 1.0.2 (Plugin)

A cool gallery plugin, mobile friendly fully responsive and swipe action, with slideshow...
Tagged: gallery image picture photo slide show slideshow responsive swipe