GetSimple Extend Repository

12 results found for "service"

Items Manager 1.6 (Plugin)

An items manager to manage products, services, and other related items. *Detailed information about this...
Tagged: items manager products items blog catelog

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager 2.0 2.2 (Plugin)

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager - This is 2.0 release completely updated from version 1.0+. Release 2.2 with...
Tagged: news news manager blog blog manager

SIS-Handball 1.0 (Plugin)

Dieses Plugin ermöglicht die Darstellung von Ergebissen und Tabellen Ihres Vereins bzw. Ihrer Mannschaft...
Tagged: xml handball sportsdata service export schnittstelle ergebnisdienst

GroupDocs Document Signature 1.0 (Plugin)

GroupDocs.Signature for Cloud plugin allows you to sign electronic documents online, without the need of...
Tagged: plugin groupdocs signature

Centralised Users 1.1 (Plugin)

As the admin of a GetSimple site, you will be able to define members-only and guests only content for areas...
Tagged: central centralised centralised users user sign in login registration

GSMaintenance 1.0.6 (Plugin)

A simple plugin to put your site in "Maintenance Mode". You can entirely create the message (or...
Tagged: Site maintenance offline

GShttpBL 0.3 (Plugin)

This plugin uses's http:BL service to detect bots (by IP address) and prevents them...
Tagged: blacklist block bot honeypot

Recaptcha Mailhide 2.0.0 (Plugin)

This plugin scan the content page (not header and footer) for email addresses like mailto links or simple...
Tagged: mailhide recaptcha mail

Stripe Payment System Plugin (updated 0.8 (Plugin)

## Stripe Payments Plugin __0.8__ We have our first Stripe payments plugin for Get Simple CMS. This...
Tagged: Payment Gateway online pay

V3LSEC: Very3 Login Security 1.0.6 (Plugin)

#### Updates * 1.0.6 adds user-aware tab (can be hidden), improved form validation, inline help, bug...
Tagged: authentication login security logging notifications

MultiBlock 5.3 (Plugin)

MultiBlock is tools what you need! With this plugin you can create every block with custom fields what you...
Tagged: i18n special page multi block block creator custom element

All in One Accessibility 1.4 (Plugin)

All in One Accessibility AI Widget Supports 140 Languages, Screen Reader, Voice Navigation, Dictionary,...
Tagged: accessibility WCAG ATAG Section 508 accessibility compliance disability friendly site accessibility rules web accessibility