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Pages gone in back end!
I'm stumped-

I recently added a new page to my site, at which point the back-end Page (/admin/pages.php) stopped working.

It displays no pages.

I can add a new one and it displays, but none of the others.

I am using Mike's pages Caching file and the Pages XML shows all 21 pages and ll looks fine.

I turned debug on and get no error messages.

Health Check shows no errors.

I'm running version 3.0 - I don't think I changes anything in pages.php

-Rob A>
OK - I kept playing around -

I turned out that when this new page had a parent page set, the back end pages menu would be blank.

I manually erased that field in the xml file and everything re-appeared. If I went into Page Management->Page Options and made that page the child of any page, it all crapped out again.

I then edited the XML to remove the parent page, then deleted the page and created a new one, and all is working fine.

Tres weird.

-Rob A>
and I created new page and it is broken again.

I'm also started using Mike's Custom Field plugin, when is when this problem started. I'm thinking there is some interaction between this plugin and using parent pages....?

RobA Wrote:and I created new page and it is broken again.

I'm also started using Mike's Custom Field plugin, when is when this problem started. I'm thinking there is some interaction between this plugin and using parent pages....?


Do you have the same problem using the I18N Custom Fields plugin, which is an enhancement of Mike's plugin?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek Wrote:Do you have the same problem using the I18N Custom Fields plugin, which is an enhancement of Mike's plugin?

I have not tried this plugin as it seemed way too heavy for my needs (I don't use i18n on my site.. 32k javascript library.... really? File Browser? Page Browser? what are these for in a custom field plugin?)

I guess I can try it though and see if it resolves the issue...

-Rob A>
Hi Rob,

I would try it with Mvlcek's customfields plugin which is more advanced than mine.

However I've checked here and they both seem to be working fine for me here.

Do you have any other plugins installed?
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
RobA Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:Do you have the same problem using the I18N Custom Fields plugin, which is an enhancement of Mike's plugin?

I have not tried this plugin as it seemed way too heavy for my needs (I don't use i18n on my site.. 32k javascript library.... really? File Browser? Page Browser? what are these for in a custom field plugin?)

I guess I can try it though and see if it resolves the issue...

-Rob A>

Yes, it is more heavy, but mostly on the backend:
  • configuration GUI instead of fiddling with the XML file - the JS is for sorting the fields by drag and drop.
  • image fields - file browser
  • link fields - page browser
  • and make fields searchable by I18N Search
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
n00dles101 Wrote:Do you have any other plugins installed?

Quote:p01-contact Simply add contact forms in your pages
Version 0.4.2 — Author: Nicolas Liautaud

Client Files Provides a simple file manager with password protected access areas for Get Simple
Version 0.7 — Author: Rob Antonishen

SimpleCache A simple cache for Get Simple
Version 0.9 — Author: Rob Antonishen

KCFinder File Manager Replacement File Manager for GetSimple 2.x
Version 1.2 — Author: Mike Swan

Custom Fields Custom fields for pages
Version 1.2 — Author: Mike Swan

Pages XML Pages Caching Plugin
Version 2.3 — Author: Mike Swan

I can not imagine that contact or client files would have an effect, as they are simple content filters.

I've disabled SimpleCache to no effect.

KCFile File Manager is back end only - Since deleted - no effect.

I don't really understand the problem and debug does not help. Right now I have a page that looks fine, I can view, and is OK at the root level.

As soon as I change it's parent to make it a sub page, my pages menu goes blank in he back end.

If I edit the XML and delete the parent page value, pages.php starts working again.

-Rob A>
OK - I've deleted Mikes and installed Mvlcek's customfields.

Guess what - same problem!

EDIT: deleted Mvlcek's customfields to test, and gues what - it still is broken! Could this be a flaw in GS 3.0?


-Rob A>
ok just installed a fresh 3.0 with all the plugins you've mentioned.

All working fine.

Can you just try restoring pages.php to make sure you've make no changes...
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
can you post your customfields.xml file so I can copy that.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
RobA Wrote:OK - I've deleted Mikes and installed Mvlcek's customfields.

Guess what - same problem!

EDIT: deleted Mvlcek's customfields to test, and gues what - it still is broken! Could this be a flaw in GS 3.0?


-Rob A>

I don't think that either plugin has anything to do with it.
What happens if you remove the plugin?
Did you look at the generated HTML of the pages.php? Is there an error message, warning, info, if debug is switched on?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
n00dles101 Wrote:can you post your customfields.xml file so I can copy that.


Looks clean - no anomalous characters.

As I found out, this is a problem even with no custom field plugin installed though.

-Rob A>
yeah all looks fine, I can't replicate it here.

You sure you haven't made changes to pages.php ?
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
(EDIT - Mike, pages.php diffs clean against the current download 3.0)

OK - I found the reason for the problem, but not the cause....

The reason is that every one of my pages that had NO parent were all set to have the new page as their parent (I did not make this change to those pages).

Therefore, when I tried to set the parent of the new-page, it got hung in circular logic, so nothing was displayed. (The reason)

I went into the option of each of those pages and changed their parent back to blank/none, and then was able to set the parent of the new page.

The odd thing is that this has happened two times now..... (No idea what the cause was...)

-Rob A>
ah , think I might know what have caused it..

ver1.2 of my customfields plugin which your using has an old hook to check the slug name is changed if it affects any other pages and changes the parent .

Version 3.0 of GS has this functionlity built in which I guess also get run and gets the site in a muddle.

I'd upgrade to version 1.3 of my plugin on extend or use the mclvek's version once you have the site fixed....

at least its sorted now.... 8)
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Mvlcek - Your custom fields plugin is not respected by Mike's PagesXML page array plugin?

That was the whole point of this crazy exercise - in my gallery page I wanted to allow dynamic filtering my map type (selected by custom field). The custom field values from Mike's plugin were visible in the PagesXML array so my gallery page could access them to determine the map types....

-Rob A>
In version 3.1 the caching function will index all customfields except for content.

I'm working on an exclusion list as we probably don't want other textareas indexed either...
or at least give the option not to.

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
some very cool maps there BTW....
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:In version 3.1 the caching function will index all customfields except for content.

I'm working on an exclusion list as we probably don't want other textareas indexed either...
or at least give the option not to.


So the 2.3 in extend will not? Where is 3.1 available from?

-Rob A>
n00dles101 Wrote:some very cool maps there BTW....


-Rob A>
no the extend version 2.3 will not be developed any more. All the functions have been built into 3.1 and a few more. Check here. in fact it will be removed if installed by the system if you install use GS3.1.

3.1 is available in for beta testing on the download page. There are still a few problem to iron out but please do test and let us know of any issues you find.

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
Ahhh - 3.1 of GS, not 3.1 of your plugin.

I guess I'll have to hack your PagesXML plugin to get it to work with Mvlcek's custom field plugin, as I'm not prepared to move my production system to 3.1 (though I will apparently use unsupported plugins with no concerns :/ )

Thanks for your help in this...

(Alternately, if you can point me to the hook that was rewriting the parent in your old custom field plugin, I'll go back to using that as it met my least until 3.1 goes gold.)

-Rob A>
n00dles101 Wrote:

Thanks for the link - It looks like that will simplify my portfolio page substantially, and let me get rid of a fair bit of custom code and functions!

-Rob A>
just update the customfields plugin to 1.3 and you shouldn't have this problem again.
its version 1.2 that you have installed that's causing the problem.

it available in extend:
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute

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