GetSimple Extend Repository

33 results found for "German"

German Language Pack 1 (Language)

Deutsche Sprachdatei für GetSimple 2.03
Tagged: Deutsch German Language Pack

External Commenting 0.9 (Plugin)

A plugin to provide external commenting support. This version supports Disqus, IntenseDebate, Livefyre, or...
Tagged: comment comments disqus intensedebate facebook livefyre VK

German Language GS 3.0 1.0.5 (Language)

Die deutsche Sprach-Datei für GetSimple 3.0 The German Language-File for GetSimple 3.0
Tagged: language german

Google map 2.0 (Plugin)

This plugin displays a map of Google Maps on your GetSimple...
Tagged: google map

Calendar 1.8 (Plugin)

With this plugin, you can create a simple calendar and add events with descriptions to everyday calendar. You...
Tagged: calendar events event

German Language GS 3.1 1.5 (Language)

Die **deutsche Sprachdatei** für **GetSimple 3.1** The **german language file for GetSimple 3.1**
Tagged: language german

Humarkise 1.0 (Theme)

This is a two-column theme (primarily developed for the site <>) with a completely...
Tagged: theme liquid two-column flexible

Send Anonymous Data - deutsche Sprachdatei 1.1 (Plugin Language)

Die deutsche Sprachdatei für das Plugin **Send Anonymous Data**. Version 1.1 enthält mehr...
Tagged: language send anonymous data

The Photogallery - German Language File 1.0 (Plugin Language)

Die deutsche Sprachdatei für das Plugin "The Photo Gallery" von Chris Cagle. Zur Zeit...
Tagged: photo gallery german language file

Innovation Theme: deutsche Sprachdatei / german languagefile 1.0 (Plugin Language)

Innovation ist das Standard-Theme von GetSimple. Zu ihm gehört ein Plugin und dieses unterstützt...
Tagged: german language file for Innovation Plugin

News Manager -. deutsche Sprachdatei - german languagefile 1.0 (Plugin Language)

Das Plugin enthält zwar bereits eine deutsche Sprachdatei, diese enthält aber ein englisches...
Tagged: language file

GS Blog 1.5 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Create blog posts * Blog categories * Post archives * Recent...
Tagged: gs-blog blog news manager pages posts special categories rss

Dominion jCart: German/Deutsch 0.1 (Plugin Language)

A german translation for the wonderful jCart shop system.
Tagged: dominion jcart german deutsch shop language translation

News Manager (updated) 3.6.1 (Plugin)

A news/blog plugin to manage and display your posts. Currently maintained and extended by: *Carlos...
Tagged: blog news posts articles news manager i18n

German Language for LinkManager2 0.1 (Plugin Language)

This is a first german language file for the nice and usable plugin linkmanager2. It's not necessary,...
Tagged: pugin language german

German translation Contactable Plugin 1.0 (Plugin Language)

# German Translation This is the German translation for the **GetSimple Contactable Plugin**. *** #...
Tagged: language german contactable translation contact

link_Manager2 German translation 1.0 (Plugin Language)

German language file for link manager plugin 1.5.
Tagged: links link_manager german deutsch

updater German language file 1.0 (Plugin Language)

German language file for updater plugin 1.0.1
Tagged: updater german deutsch

German Language for MLD Newsletter plugin 0.3 (Language)

Provides the german translation for the MLD-Newsletter PlugIn vers. 0.8. in the polite form of...
Tagged: MLD-Newsletter German

GERMAN language for 3.2 1.0 (Language)

This is the GERMAN language for Get Simple 3.2 based on the Translation by Connie Müller-Gödecke...

GERMAN language for 3.2 (with ÄÖÜß) 1.1 (Plugin Language)

This is the GERMAN language for Get Simple 3.2 based on the Translation by Connie Müller-Gödecke......
Tagged: de_DE German

German Language File GS 3.3 1.0 (Language)

Deutsche Sprachdatei für GetSimple 3.3 German language file for GetSimple 3.3
Tagged: language german deutsch sprachdatei

German File for Image Resizer 1.0 (Language)

Tagged: Image Resizer Germanfile

German Translation for GetSimple Contact Plugin / Deutsche Übersetzung für das GetSimple Contact Plugin 1.0.0 (Plugin Language)

This is my official german translation for the plugin GetSimple Contact from...

Scroll Me Up 1.0.5 (Plugin)

Demo link : []( "Demo page") **Scroll-To-Top...
Tagged: scroll to top content anchor jquery button

german language file for GSMaintenance 0.1 (Plugin Language)

german language file for GSMaintenance plugin

GS Custom Settings 0.6.2 (Plugin)

GS Custom Settings is a plugin which lets webmasters/ site managers, theme and plugin developers implement...
Tagged: GS Custom Settings fields settings input template interactive lookup

GS Plugin Installer 1.4.8 (Plugin)

GS Plugin Installer is a plugin installer created for the GetSimple CMS, versions 3.3.x, It has not been...
Tagged: plugin installer manager automatic installer

Components Extended 0.9.3 (Plugin)

# GS Components Extended Augmented functionality for cleaner and more powerful GetSimpleCMS...
Tagged: component slug get_component ajax modified created date components extended

German language 3.3.13 (Language)

German language file for GetSimple. This translation was initially based on [German Language File GS 3.3...
Tagged: german language translation deutsch

I18n DeepL Page Translation 1.0.3 (Plugin)

This plugin allows automatic translation of GetSimple CMS pages using the <a...
Tagged: deepl translation i18n multilingual

ah-contact 0.2305 (Plugin)

Very simple Contact Form. It will be displayed on an manual created, empty Page named "Contact" in...
Tagged: GetSimple Frontend Contact Plugin

All in One Accessibility 1.4 (Plugin)

All in One Accessibility AI Widget Supports 140 Languages, Screen Reader, Voice Navigation, Dictionary,...
Tagged: accessibility WCAG ATAG Section 508 accessibility compliance disability friendly site accessibility rules web accessibility