2011-05-07, 02:05:58
I18N Gallery
Homepage: http://mvlcek.bplaced.net/get-simple/i18ngallery
This plugin allows you to define multiple image galleries and display them in various ways:
Download I18N Gallery and unzip it into your plugins directory.
Enable sitewide cookies in your gsconfig.php.
Problem Solving
If you get "Not logged in" or an empty page when trying to add images to a gallery
If you encounter problems when creating and saving or deleting galleries in the back end,
If you can't view a gallery from the edit-gallery page
If your gallery is not displayed correctly on your site
Go to the Galleries tab in your GetSimple administration and create a new gallery, add images and give it a title, a name and a type.
Add the following in your page (replace my-gallery-name with the name of the gallery):
If your template already includes the Javascript library used for a gallery (e.g. the cycle library), include js=false in the call, e.g.
For more information see http://mvlcek.bplaced.net/get-simple/i18ngallery/.
The look of the thumbnails (fancybox, prettyphoto) and of the slides (cycle, s3slider) can be overwritten in your CSS style sheets. Just make sure that the CSS selector is longer/more specific than the automatically generated selectors. Most of the sizes, paddings, margins and positions of cycle and s3slider must not be overwritten, unless you really really know what you do (they depend on the image sizes configured in the gallery settings).
Homepage: http://mvlcek.bplaced.net/get-simple/i18ngallery
This plugin allows you to define multiple image galleries and display them in various ways:
- supports multiple galleries
- supports selection of images from data/uploads and any sub directories
- supports sorting of images (like the pages in I18N Navigation navigation structure)
- supports the I18N plugin, i.e. multiple languages
- supports a title, a description and tags per image
- supports filtering of a gallery by one or multiple tags
- displays galleries in multiple ways (e.g. fancybox, prettyPhoto, s3Slider)
- some galleries (e.g. fancybox, prettyPhoto, cycle) degenerate nicely with Javascript turned off
- allows to set any thumbnail and image sizes (per gallery)
- automatically scales images according to these sizes
- automatically crops thumbnails/images to achieve a specific width/height ratio (version 1.2+)
- can automatically start slide shows
- can display a specific image of a gallery
- supports a gallery preview (like view for Edit Page)
- all files reside in standard folders (images in data/uploads, thumbnails in data/thumbs, ...)
- supports full undo after saving, deleting, renaming galleries
- languages: English, German, Greek, Polish, Portuguese
- Slideshow, both title and description displayed: cycle, prettyPhoto
- Display images with title and navigation: FancyBox
- In-page slideshow with title and description: s3Slider
- Slideshow using full browser area: SuperSized
- Easily filtered with e.g. request parameter: FancyBox (filtered)
- Show a specific image of a gallery: prettyPhoto (Image 4)
- Switch off Javascript and visit FancyBox to see how the gallery works even without Javascript.
Download I18N Gallery and unzip it into your plugins directory.
Enable sitewide cookies in your gsconfig.php.
Problem Solving
If you get "Not logged in" or an empty page when trying to add images to a gallery
- enable sitewide cookies in your gsconfig.php - remove the # in front of define('GSCOOKIEISSITEWIDE', TRUE); - in GetSimple 3.1+ this should not be necessary.
- make sure that "Website Base URL" in Settings/General Settings in the GetSimple administration is set to the correct host name, with which you log in, e.g. if you log in using http://www.mysite.com/admin then the website base URL must be http://www.mysite.com/ and not http://mysite.com
If you encounter problems when creating and saving or deleting galleries in the back end,
- check if the file plugins/i18n_gallery/loadtab.php was copied to admin - correct it manually if necessary
- check if a directory data/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable - correct it manually if necessary
- check if a directory backups/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable - correct it manually if necessary
If you can't view a gallery from the edit-gallery page
- check if the file plugins/i18n_gallery/gallery.xml was copied to data/pages - correct it manually if necessary (not valid for 2.1+)
If your gallery is not displayed correctly on your site
- check, if your template calls get_header() - if not, include <?php get_header(); ?> in your template
- if you still only see (% gallery %) instead of the gallery, your hosting provider probably disables/filters out ASP tags - ask him to turn this off or look for another provider.
- check, if jQuery is already included in your template - if it is
- make sure, it is at least version 1.4
- switch on "Do not include jQuery" in the Gallery Settings
- make sure jQuery is included before the get_header call
- make sure, it is at least version 1.4
- make sure you have no jQuery.noConflict(); in your web site's javascript code
Go to the Galleries tab in your GetSimple administration and create a new gallery, add images and give it a title, a name and a type.
Add the following in your page (replace my-gallery-name with the name of the gallery):
(% gallery name=my-gallery-name %)
If your template already includes the Javascript library used for a gallery (e.g. the cycle library), include js=false in the call, e.g.
(% gallery name=my-gallery-name js=false %)
For more information see http://mvlcek.bplaced.net/get-simple/i18ngallery/.
The look of the thumbnails (fancybox, prettyphoto) and of the slides (cycle, s3slider) can be overwritten in your CSS style sheets. Just make sure that the CSS selector is longer/more specific than the automatically generated selectors. Most of the sizes, paddings, margins and positions of cycle and s3slider must not be overwritten, unless you really really know what you do (they depend on the image sizes configured in the gallery settings).