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Thanks for help. I got rid of the frames.

But now I have another problem.
When I refresh the site with prettyphoto gallery, the gallery automatically starts. The popup window appears even if it was closed before refreshing.
How can I change this behavior?
(2013-06-24, 04:17:07)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]I'll see what can be done...

That's great! Thanks a lot. Smile
Yes, url 'cleaning' after lighbox closing would be GREAT. But even without it, your plugins make me come back to GS again and again ... Thank you!
i have a gallery with multiple images, one is tagged as "prev" and the others as "mini", i insert this in my page with:
(% gallery name=lena tags=prev thumbwidth=150 id=Lena %)
(% gallery name=lena tags=mini id=Lena %)

to display the "prev"-Image beside the text and the other separated under the text, but open all in "one Lightbox"

The thumbs are all displayed correctly, but the lightbox-links arent, they are one image ahead.

I really like the Plugin but I have a minor request.
To validate as HTML5, all images need an alt tag.
In the file plugin_cycle.php, the prev and next images don't have these tags.
Furthermore the script charset must not be specified if there is no source specified.

It would be nice, if you could just add the tags and remove the charset Smile

(2013-07-04, 05:24:43)GotSimple Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I really like the Plugin but I have a minor request.
To validate as HTML5, all images need an alt tag.
In the file plugin_cycle.php, the prev and next images don't have these tags.
Furthermore the script charset must not be specified if there is no source specified.

It would be nice, if you could just add the tags and remove the charset Smile


Will be included in next release...
I have a very simple request. I just want to use a fancybox photo but have the text of my page wrap around the thumbnail. How do I do that?
I am testing it here>
I will leave it up for an answer.
Thank you!

I'll repeat my question:

When I refresh the site with prettyphoto gallery, the gallery automatically starts. The popup window appears even if it was closed before refreshing.
How can I change this?
(2013-07-04, 18:44:20)yegolebi Wrote: [ -> ]When I refresh the site with prettyphoto gallery, the gallery automatically starts. The popup window appears even if it was closed before refreshing.
How can I change this?

This is probably caused by PrettyPhoto rewriting the URL before each photo. Try replacing in plugins/i18n_gallery/plugin_prettyphoto.php this line
social_tools: false
with this:
social_tools: false, deeplinking: false
(2013-07-04, 15:03:08)costa Wrote: [ -> ]hi
I have a very simple request. I just want to use a fancybox photo but have the text of my page wrap around the thumbnail. How do I do that?
I am testing it here>
I will leave it up for an answer.
Thank you!

The thumbnails of a gallery are in a div with classes gallery, gallery-<type> (e.g. gallery-fancybox) and gallery-<name of gallery>. So you can create a CSS rule in your style sheet, e.g.
.gallery-fancybox { float: left; }
If you have multiple icons, you might additionally need a width property. If the rule does not work, you might also add !important, e.g.
.gallery-fancybox { float: left !important; width: 200px !important; }
EXCELLENT! Thank you mvlcek!
to enable HTML in s3slider replace
<span><strong><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['_title']); ?></strong><br/><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['_description']); ?></span>
<span><strong><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['_title']); ?></strong><br/><?php echo @$item['_description'] ?></span>
in plugin_s3slider.php
Ich habe zwei Hinweise, damit die Validatoren nicht meckern:

Charset-Angaben werden grundsätzlich nur bei externen Dateien übergeben. Bei Inline-Code wird automatisch der Dokumentenzeichensatz übernommen:

Folgendes wird daher als Fehler gemeldet:
<script charset="UTF-8"></script>

Außerdem wird charset in HTML5 nicht mehr unterstützt.:

Siehe auch:
Use the "Content-Type" HTTP header on the linked resource instead. More: This "link" tag uses one or more entirely obsolete (in HTML5) attributes which must not be used in HTML5 documents. The HTML5 obsolete attributes for "link" include: "charset", "methods", "rev", "target", and "urn".

Du könntest die Zeichensätze bei CSS- und JS-Dateien via .htaccess lösenSmile

Liebe Grüße
und danke für deine guten Plugins

Hello! Someone knows why I81N Gallery's animation doesn't work with gsinland Theme?
Thank you very much! Smile[/u]
There's a validation error for Fancybox. Could you fix it?

More information:

Thank you.
Cant get this to work with Bootstrap,Foundation 3 or 4.

update.. it works when deletet jquery call from template
Is there any way to modify this so that the "Gallery Options" don't need to be chosen by the user? I would like to always use Fancybox, with the same image dimensions, cropping, etc. for all galleries. I just want the user to be able to name the gallery and add their chosen images. I'm trying to make this as simple as possible for a very difficult, technically challenged client =)
Hi, when I try to save the gallery, this pops up..
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML() [simplexmlelement.asxml]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 3451 is not allowed to access /data/www/k/ owned by uid 48 in /data/www/k/ on line 273

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::asXML(/data/www/k/ [simplexmlelement.asxml]: failed to open stream: nen� souborem ani adres��em in /data/www/k/ on line 273
Any ideas? Thank you
Hello, i'm building a rather big 'gallery of galleries' using the gallery links in (% gallery name=gallery_name thumb=0 %) format. The thing is, this creates (and downloads) thumbs for all the images in the gallery - they are only hidden. Is it possible to omit the hidden thumbs altogether so the page loads faster ? Thank you.
P.S. I just checked by copying the generated html and removing the img from the hidden links -that does not affect gallery functioning (at least prettyPhoto)
I think I got it (by trial and error - forgive me, I'm n o programmer):
in plugin_Prettyphoto.php line 212 I replaced
PHP Code:
<img src="<?php i18n_gallery_thumb_link($gallery,$item); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['_title']); ?>"/> 
PHP Code:
<?php if (!(isset($thumb) && $thumb != $i)): ?><img src="<?php i18n_gallery_thumb_link($gallery,$item); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['_title']); ?>"/><?php endif ?>
Now the hidden links don't have thumbnails
Hi, I would love to see an additional gallery type in I18n gallery: A gallery with a big main image in the page body and a thumbnail navigation. I found two galleries which offer exactly this functionality: and

For both galleries you just have to include the js-files and a list of img-tags for the gallery-images. Then add a js-line to run the gallery and you're done. Smile

Both galleries are free, Galleria even is responsive and supports swipe gestures for touch devices.

There are quick start guides, e.g., and the zip-downloads from the two websites include working html examples.

IMHO for a quick start it would be sufficient to add the galleries with default styles and default options to I18n gallery. Everybody who needs special customization can tweak the galleries manually.

Would it be possible to add such a gallery type to I18n gallery? This would be really great. If I can help you with implementation let me know! Smile
(2013-07-18, 20:04:37)peppermint Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I would love to see an additional gallery type in I18n gallery: A gallery with a big main image in the page body and a thumbnail navigation. I found two galleries which offer exactly this functionality: and

For both galleries you just have to include the js-files and a list of img-tags for the gallery-images. Then add a js-line to run the gallery and you're done. Smile

Both galleries are free, Galleria even is responsive and supports swipe gestures for touch devices.

There are quick start guides, e.g., and the zip-downloads from the two websites include working html examples.

IMHO for a quick start it would be sufficient to add the galleries with default styles and default options to I18n gallery. Everybody who needs special customization can tweak the galleries manually.

Would it be possible to add such a gallery type to I18n gallery? This would be really great. If I can help you with implementation let me know! Smile

Everything nowdays needs to be responsive Big Grin. But yes, loose all those old lightboxes and replace with modern responsive lightboxes like Responsive lightbox, Magnific Popup, Chocolat ...etc. I dont know html,css or php so i cant do it Big Grin. PrettyPhoto is semi responsive.
(2012-05-03, 07:49:57)jbarreto Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, im running getsimple in windows server 2008r2, when i upload images to a folder and then clic to add images, this message appears:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Hi have you fixed this problem i have it too and don't know what to do
[Image: AUagNAD.jpg]

sorry :)
So.. if i have like 20 thumbnails with descriptions on a page and i want each thumbnail open specific prettyphoto lightbox gallery (not a page), how do i make that happen?. Rolleyes
(2013-07-28, 22:26:32)Riianna Wrote: [ -> ]So.. if i have like 20 thumbnails with descriptions on a page and i want each thumbnail open specific prettyphoto lightbox gallery (not a page), how do i make that happen?. Rolleyes

use the (% gallery name=gallery_name thumb=0 %) as described on mlvcek site. thumb=0 is the number of the thumbnail (starting from 0) Be aware though, that it will simply hide the rest of the gallery thumbnails, so if your galleries have, say, 10 images each, your page will download 20 x 10 thumbnail images. Perhaps mvlcek could help us on that...Huh
Managed to remove thumbnails from hidden links, see here