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(2015-02-23, 05:07:38)gumis7 Wrote: [ -> ]And at the end there is big problem because I don't have the working gallery.

I have searched the forum for solution and the only thing is the problem with JQuery.

I have dissabled it in the settings but it still doesn't work as it should be.

Here is a link to my site:

Maybe You can give me some advice what is the reason of my problem

Thank you

You were right - the problem seems to be with JQuery.
Even after disabling it in settings you still have two JQueries in your page - on line 26 and line 201.
Those two seem to be included by 'The Photo Gallery' and 'Twitter fetcher' plugins that are used in your template.
I suggest you to remove these lines somehow and include JQuery manually in your template.php, before any <script> tag.
As using FancyBox under images to make the title. Example attached.
Hi mvlcek and co,

I'm using Fancybox on my site and when I click the thumbnail, the big images isn't center and shifts a bit.

On this site:

I can't find the reason why. Any ideas on fixing this?

How about this kind gallery
i triet to achieve that with includet PrettyPhoto but it was mess so i gave up Big Grin
I just played around with this plugin and created a new template to include the Twitter Bootstrap 3 Carousel.
It's not well coded, more quick and dirty, but it gets the job done and could kickstart a proper implementation. Anyone interested?
Can anyone save me reading all 53 pages in this thread :-)

Is there any way to add an extra field (in addition to Title, Description and Tags)? It would be really useful for me if I could add something like a price field.

I know I could use other solutions, like Special Pages or Catalog plugins etc, but the whole way I18n Gallery works suits my project so well. I had thought of re-purposing the tags field, but if someone has a method to add and extra field it would be so much better.
I am looking for a way to have a button in my content area open up a prettyphoto-based gallery.

Somehow it seems that the short codes supplied can only be used with an image thumbnail as the link or a regular text-link, but to create my button I need to set a custom class on the link.

How can this be done?
In the link create dialog you click on advanced and then you can specify classes under Stylesheet Classes
(2015-03-08, 09:18:18)revotron Wrote: [ -> ]I just played around with this plugin and created a new template to include the Twitter Bootstrap 3 Carousel.
It's not well coded, more quick and dirty, but it gets the job done and could kickstart a proper implementation. Anyone interested?

Just post it, but better to make topic under Scripts & Components, otherwise it will be lost soon.
Where do I find the link create dialogue?
(2015-03-24, 01:12:04)danielg Wrote: [ -> ]Where do I find the link create dialogue?

In the editor (ckeditor). Select i18n Gallery link code
(% gallerylink name=my-gallery-name url=my-gallery-slug %)
Click on the button called Link, in this dialog go directly to Advanced tab. Specify class. Click ok, that's it.

Or you go in source mode and do something like:
<span class="your class">(% gallerylink name=my-gallery-name url=my-gallery-slug %)</span>
I get better results with this.
Hey all,

I am using the plugin with the PureBootstrap-Theme. First the plugin didn't work, until I deleated those lines from the template's footer:

 <!-- Include the JavaScripts -->
 <script src="//"></script><!-- jQuery Core -->
 <script src="//"></script><!-- Bootstrap Core -->
 <script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/retina.min.js"></script><!-- RetinaJS by Imulus -->
 <script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/bootstrapValidator.min.js"></script><!-- jQuery Validation -->
 <?php if(get_page_slug(FALSE) == 'index') { ?>
 <script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/validationRules.js"></script><!-- Validation Rules -->
 <?php } ?>

Now the gallery works just fine, but the navigation-bar won't show dropdown-menus anymore. Does anyone mabye know what's the problem here?
(2015-04-23, 00:10:00)stwneu Wrote: [ -> ]Hey all,

I am using the plugin with the PureBootstrap-Theme. First the plugin didn't work, until I deleated those lines from the template's footer:

 <!-- Include the JavaScripts -->
 <script src="//"></script><!-- jQuery Core -->
 <script src="//"></script><!-- Bootstrap Core -->
 <script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/retina.min.js"></script><!-- RetinaJS by Imulus -->
 <script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/bootstrapValidator.min.js"></script><!-- jQuery Validation -->
 <?php if(get_page_slug(FALSE) == 'index') { ?>
 <script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/assets/js/validationRules.js"></script><!-- Validation Rules -->
 <?php } ?>

Now the gallery works just fine, but the navigation-bar won't show dropdown-menus anymore. Does anyone mabye know what's the problem here?

You are including jquery in your template. Go to Galleries/Settings and check "Do not include jquery".
As you are using jquery >= 1.9, you need to use the newest version of i18n_gallery: 2.2
I18N Gallery version 2.2:
  • is finally updated to use jquery 1.9+, namely 1.11.2. This should make it easier to combine it with other plugins and themes.
  • clicking on an image in "Edit Gallery" allows you to replace the image.
(2015-04-23, 03:18:22)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]I18N Gallery version 2.2:

  • is finally updated to use jquery 1.9+, namely 1.11.2. This should make it easier to combine it with other plugins and themes.
  • clicking on an image in "Edit Gallery" allows you to replace the image.

Thank you for your reply and for the updated version!! Smile

One more question: I'd like to use the s3slider as some kind of newsbox, where you can read the title and the headline of a certain post. Is it possible to write html in the "description"-space? as it is possible for the type "cycle"? So I would like to use it as a content-slider basically.
Martin, Google are increasingly demanding to place scripts at the bottom of the template. May be it makes sense to correct all your plugins?
Hello All. As I can see this have not been addressed before.

I have issues to include the cycle function, what I have problem with Is effect and navigation type.

Everything works if I create a new page and add this code "(% gallery name=my-gallery-name %)"
But I want it in the template so In the template I added this code "<?php get_i18n_gallery('my-gallery-name'); ?>"

I can see the first picture in the slide but the slide itself do not start and also the navigation meny do not change accordingly to my choice. What do I do wrong and what do you need from me to tell me what I do wrong Smile?

The page is not online so I cant give the page url but I have made sure everything in the troubleshoot guide have been followed. here Is my template.php, it built on a opensource theme I downloaded on the net. the call Is under
  <div id="middle">
<?php get_i18n_gallery('mainslide'); ?>

<?php if(!defined('IN_GS')){ die('you cannot load this page directly.'); }
* @File:         template.php
* @Package:      GetSimple
* @Action:       theme for GetSimple CMS

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <!-- Site Title -->
    <title><?php get_page_clean_title(); ?> &lt; <?php get_site_name(); ?></title>
 <link href="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 <!--[if lte IE 7]><link href="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/css/iehacks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/js/jquery.js"></script>
 <?php get_header(); ?>
 <!--[if IE 6]>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/js/ie6pngfix.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
   DD_belatedPNG.fix('img, ul, ol, li, div, p, a, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6');


<!-- wrapper -->
<div class="rapidxwpr floatholder">

 <!-- header -->
 <div id="header">
   <!-- logo -->
   <a href="index.php"><img id="logo" class="correct-png" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/images/logo.png" alt="Home" title="Home" /></a>
   <!-- / logo -->
   <!-- topmenu -->
   <div id="topmenu">
        <!--<a href=""><span>Services</span></a>-->
        <?php get_i18n_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>
   <!-- / topmenu -->

 <!-- / header -->
 <div class="breadcrumbs">
 <a href="<?php echo find_url('index',null); ?>">Start</a>
 <?php get_i18n_breadcrumbs(return_page_slug()); ?>
 <!-- main body -->
 <div id="middle">
     <?php get_i18n_gallery('mainslide'); ?>
   <div id="main" class="clearingfix">
     <div id="mainmiddle" class="floatbox">
       <!-- right column -->
       <div id="right" class="clearingfix">
         <!-- benefits box Sidebar -->
            <?php get_i18n_component('sidebar'); ?>            
         <!-- / benefits box Sidebar -->
       <!-- / right column -->
       <!-- MAIN content column -->
       <div id="content" class="clearingfix">
         <div class="floatbox">
         <!-- HOME -->
            <?php get_page_content(); ?>

         <!-- / HOME -->
       <!-- / MAIN content column -->
 <!-- / main body -->

<!-- / wrapper -->

<!-- footer -->
<div class="rapidxwpr floatholder">
 <div id="footer" class="clearingfix">
   <!-- footermenu -->
   <ul class="footermenu">
      <?php get_i18n_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>
   <!-- / footermenu -->
   <!-- credits -->
   <div class="credits">
     <a href="">test</a>
   <!-- / credits -->
<!-- / footer -->

(2015-04-27, 20:07:55)Dimi Wrote: [ -> ]...
Everything works if I create a new page and add this code "(% gallery name=my-gallery-name %)"
But I want it in the template so In the template I added this code "<?php get_i18n_gallery('my-gallery-name'); ?>"

See You also have to call get_i18n_gallery_header in the header of your page.
(2015-04-28, 02:24:31)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-04-27, 20:07:55)Dimi Wrote: [ -> ]...
Everything works if I create a new page and add this code "(% gallery name=my-gallery-name %)"
But I want it in the template so In the template I added this code "<?php get_i18n_gallery('my-gallery-name'); ?>"

See You also have to call get_i18n_gallery_header in the header of your page.

That was it, it was to easy for me to see Smile thank you very much.

I am not sure if this has been addressed here but I had an issue getting the plugin up and running.  My host is using  apache 2.4 without mod_access_compat.  Becuase of this I was getting 500 Internal Server Error.  In order to solve the problem I had to replace all of the .htaccess files with the correct 2.4 syntax.  I copied  the .htaccess used by GS itself and pasted the code into each of the .htaccess files.  

For Allow access files


# GetSimple CMS htaccess ALLOW file

# prevent breaking plugin htaccess, prefer compat,  since require is not overridable by order

# apache < 2.3
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Allow from all

# apache > 2.3 with mod_access_compat
<IfModule mod_access_compat.c>
Allow from all

# apache > 2.3 without mod_access_compat
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>

<IfModule !mod_access_compat.c>
Require all granted


For Deny access files 

# GetSimple CMS htaccess DENY file

# prevent breaking plugin htaccess, prefer compat,  since require is not overridable by order

# apache < 2.3
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
    Deny from all

# apache > 2.3 with mod_access_compat
<IfModule mod_access_compat.c>
    Deny from all

# apache > 2.3 without mod_access_compat
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>

    <IfModule !mod_access_compat.c>
        Require all denied


I would assume this is an issue for all of the i18n plugins? 
Only for plugins that need an htaccess to override something, but yes alot of plugins have an assets or css js folder so this will be an issue for you. GS includes default deny and allow htaccess in admin/inc/tmp but having a plugin delete and move those by itself might be problematic permissions wise, its best for authors to update their plugins, it would be nice through if it could be automatic.
(2015-04-30, 03:26:45)shawn_a Wrote: [ -> ]Only for plugins that need an htaccess to override something, but yes alot of plugins have an assets or css js folder so this will be an issue for you. GS includes default deny and allow htaccess in admin/tmp but having a plugin delete and move those by itself might be problematic permissions wise, its best for authors to update their plugins, it would be nice through if it could be automatic.

Yes I agree it would be nice.  Maybe GS could provide a default .htaccess file that developers could copy into their directories.  I am sure that would present its own headaches, just a thought.
Yeah I said they are in admin/inc/tmp
(2013-04-16, 07:13:28)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-04-16, 04:38:17)dblewett Wrote: [ -> ]I want to center my rows of thumbnails, rather than having each row aligned left. I tried simply surrounding the call to gallery with center attribute, but had no effect. I've looked through the various files, but I'm very much a novice when it comes to that stuff.


You have to add CSS rules to your style sheet. You may start with

.gallery {
 text-align: center;
.gallery-thumb {
 float: none !important;
 display: inline !important;
but you will need more rules to correctly display the frames, etc (if it is possible).
I am in the process of converting my get-simple websites to responsive and am stuck with i18gallery as the above code messes it all up and I don't know how to convert my gallery to responsive. Any help? 
(2015-04-24, 01:54:57)Oleg06 Wrote: [ -> ]Martin, Google are increasingly demanding to place scripts at the bottom of the template. May be it makes sense to correct all your plugins?
imho, google can go fly a kite. i put scripts (when i use them) where i want or need them in source. google's suggested location is only relevant to, and only speeds up rendering of, a visitor's first page view, after that, the stuff should be browser cached anyway.. and if you use cdn for the big stuff, likely to be cached even on that first hit. gzipping and proper caching is far more important than the location of a script in your output source code. it (scripts on the bottom) was a trend promoted by google originally to ensure that their google analytics scripts did not have any impact on page render times for all the sites that get sucked into giving google their visitor histories.