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mvlcek Wrote:
bpiper Wrote:I seem to be having a problem with the pic.php, The &w=160&h=120 that is added to the end of the pic.php?p=image, This is causing the photo not to display. Is there a way to repair this or does it have to do with the thumbnail generation. Because thumbnails dont seem to generate also.

This mostly happens it the uploaded image is too big, e.g. if you uploaded a 10 megapixel image, because the maximum memory assigned to PHP is exceeded. If this is the case, reduce the image size locally and upload a smaller version of the image.

Another reason could be that the imaging functions are not installed in your PHP installation.

Hi, do you know what the maximum amount of memory assigned to php is? Can this be changed? I think this would be a general problem in the future becouse everyone has (or will have) 10+ mp camera's.
Thanks Connie en mvlek, made a special template for gallery-pages where no jQuery-library is included and know it works! Again thanks for your help, pretty stupid that I couldn't come up that idea myself!
Johonwayni Wrote:mvlcek, Supersized latest version does not stop at 9. Supersized, Do you have time to update?

I'll try to do it as soon as possible.
mvlcek Wrote:
Johonwayni Wrote:mvlcek, Supersized latest version does not stop at 9. Supersized, Do you have time to update?

I'll try to do it as soon as possible.

I'm grateful! Thank you mvlcek.
Well I tried installing a clean copy of GetSimple with the l18N Gallery plugin in the root directory of my site in order to try and isolate what's causing my problem but unfortunately after trying a number of fixes, the best I could do so far was get a different error message.

I still think this might have something to do with my .htaccess file but at this point I'm at a loss for what to do.

Upon clicking "Add images" I now get the following message:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Any other ideas? Thanks so much for any help.
If you run into "internal server error" and also 403 you really should contact your webmaster / server administrator

GetSimple is a real simple application, not demanding very special configurations

please ask your administrator/support to check the .htaccess and to find out

we are not able to solve these problems, I think , without your hoster's support
Connie Wrote:If you run into "internal server error" and also 403 you really should contact your webmaster / server administrator

GetSimple is a real simple application, not demanding very special configurations

please ask your administrator/support to check the .htaccess and to find out

we are not able to solve these problems, I think , without your hoster's support

Well, as it turns out the issue had to do with FTP permissions. The files weren't set to 644. Everything works perfectly now. Thanks for the help anyway.
I18N Gallery version 1.5.1:
  • Corrects the time out definition of s3slider (thanks to schluters)
  • Corrects the js error after about 9 images in supersized (missing easing.js) and some display problems for the thumbnails (@johonwayni)
  • danish translation (thanks to chrsand)
  • URL parameter tags renamed to imagetags
Hi Mvlcek,

I am using your wonderful plugin on this site:
But the css is acting a bit funny. If you see in the css, the active state should be red, but is grey.
And I found out that the navigation doesn't work in the IE...
Any ideas on what could be wrong?
graphiclunch Wrote:Hi Mvlcek,

I am using your wonderful plugin on this site:
But the css is acting a bit funny. If you see in the css, the active state should be red, but is grey.
And I found out that the navigation doesn't work in the IE...
Any ideas on what could be wrong?

If you have any problems with CSS, you should install a plugin like FireBug for Firefox. Then you would easily see that the rule #content a, which sets a gray color, has a higher priority than .gallery-cycle .gallery-control a.activeSlide, which sets a red color. You could for example add #content to the gallery rule.

With IE 9 the navigation works for me.
Hello, I would indicate some types for the plugin.
They are:
The Lof JSiderNews Plugin
Making a Slick MobileApp
Some are similar to existing, more all have their peculiarities.

Quote:Olá, gostaria de indicar alguns tipos para o plugin.
são eles:
The Lof JSiderNews Plugin
Making a Slick MobileApp
Alguns são parecidos com os já existentes, mais todos tem suas particularidades.
mvlcek Wrote:
graphiclunch Wrote:Hi Mvlcek,

I am using your wonderful plugin on this site:
But the css is acting a bit funny. If you see in the css, the active state should be red, but is grey.
And I found out that the navigation doesn't work in the IE...
Any ideas on what could be wrong?

If you have any problems with CSS, you should install a plugin like FireBug for Firefox. Then you would easily see that the rule #content a, which sets a gray color, has a higher priority than .gallery-cycle .gallery-control a.activeSlide, which sets a red color. You could for example add #content to the gallery rule.

With IE 9 the navigation works for me.

Didn't think the #content a could cause it. But still scratching my head over the next and prev buttons. They appear in Firefox, and in IE9 when the picture is smaller than the width of content.
I'm having trouble with another site:
The problem is that I'm getting the error: Not logged in
And I have checked sitewide cookies, see attached picture.
But I have recently moved it from another host, I don't know if its this that is causing the problem.
Any ideas?
graphiclunch Wrote:I'm having trouble with another site:
The problem is that I'm getting the error: Not logged in
And I have checked sitewide cookies, see attached picture.
But I have recently moved it from another host, I don't know if its this that is causing the problem.

Probably. Did you check everything as described here? Hint: Website Base URL.
mvlcek Wrote:
graphiclunch Wrote:I'm having trouble with another site:
The problem is that I'm getting the error: Not logged in
And I have checked sitewide cookies, see attached picture.
But I have recently moved it from another host, I don't know if its this that is causing the problem.

Probably. Did you check everything as described here? Hint: Website Base URL.

Ah, the 3 w's was causing it.
mvlcek, you are my GS hero...
mvlcek Wrote:I18N Gallery version 1.5.1:
  • Corrects the time out definition of s3slider (thanks to schluters)
  • Corrects the js error after about 9 images in supersized (missing easing.js) and some display problems for the thumbnails (@johonwayni)

Mvlcek, thank you for the update, impressive work!
Does anyone know the best way to alter the galleries javascript options ?
Without editing the gallery php files.

For example in my custom.js

$(document).ready(function() {

      titlePosition: 'over',


Since the gallery code is called inline, how can we override it, can we stick a ready() at the end of the file to override it, or is there a better way to hook onto that in jquery, like a callback hook or a way to replace the fancybox() call ?
Hi. A little background:

> GetSimple v3.0
> Latest download (today) of I18N Gallery
> Hosted site with Hostgator
> New installation of I18N Gallery, so no galleries created yet

I'm getting the following message when clicking 'add images' to a new gallery:

Quote:Firefox can't find the file at http://(url)/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php?func=addImage&w=160&h=120.

I've followed the setup and troubleshooting instructions to the letter and reviewed them couple of times now, including those at the beginning of this thread, with no luck.

I notice that when I click 'save gallery' and then 'view all galleries' there are no galleries listed, which suggests that the galleries aren't saving - but I wondered if you had to upload images first.

I also found the post post in this thread where someone has a similar problem and it's said that 'the .htaccess in /plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/ must have Allow from all.'. I've checked this and this is set correctly.

So here is the status:

> sitewide cookies are enabled in gsconfig.php by removing the #
> "Website Base URL" in Settings/General Settings in the GetSimple administration is set to the correct host name, with which i log in
> plugins/i18n_gallery/loadtab.php was copied to admin
> directory data/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable (755)
> directory backups/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable (755)
> .htaccess in /plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/ has 'Allow from all' set

Any help with this issue would be much appreciated!



I found the solution Smile

plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php - changed from 777 to 755
plugins/i18n_gallery/browser - changed from 777 to 755
plugins/i18n_gallery - changed from 777 to 755

All 3 settings are required.

Had to do the same for pic.php since files wouldn't show - should all files for this plugin be 755 (ie the files in plugins/i18n_gallery)? They installed as 777.
Heavy problem!!!!
I've have a huge problem with my I18N plugins like Gallery and News.
Gallery: the calls within the html pages are not resolved anymore.
But the php scripts in the side bare are still working.
The php is 5.3.8 and may be updated some day/ weeks ago. Everything was working fine at least until middle of October when I uploaded my last image.
Problem appears on FF8, IE9, Safari and Opera mini on Symbian. So ser ver issue.
Any idea?

The News problem I'll describe if it apears to be independent from this issue.

First: Thank you for the great work!

I realised, that adding pictures to a gallery is not possible (without any error message), if the site-root has an SSL-Encoding (https://...)

Is this a known issue?
deMischa Wrote:First: Thank you for the great work!

I realised, that adding pictures to a gallery is not possible (without any error message), if the site-root has an SSL-Encoding (https://...)

Is this a known issue?

What's the problem? Wrong URL? Error message?
Hi. I'm experiencing some unusual behaviour where the styles only appear in the source (injected into teh page) if the gallery has been called from the template.php. If I call the gallery from sidebar.php, for example, there are no styles injected into the page.

Same goes for if I call from a component.
get_header() is being called from template.php

Any ideas anyone? Sorry if this has been covered before, I couldn't find anything in this post.

trafford Wrote:Hi. I'm experiencing some unusual behaviour where the styles only appear in the source (injected into teh page) if the gallery has been called from the template.php. If I call the gallery from sidebar.php, for example, there are no styles injected into the page.

See here for usage within template (get_i18n_gallery_header needs to be called).
dey Wrote:Heavy problem!!!!
I've have a huge problem with my I18N plugins like Gallery and News.
Gallery: the calls within the html pages are not resolved anymore.
But the php scripts in the side bare are still working.
The php is 5.3.8 and may be updated some day/ weeks ago. Everything was working fine at least until middle of October when I uploaded my last image.
Problem appears on FF8, IE9, Safari and Opera mini on Symbian. So ser ver issue.
Any idea?

The News problem I'll describe if it apears to be independent from this issue.


Hi mvlcek,

Did you see my issue?
I just saw that your hp mvlcek online is hostet at bplaced also. So server issue?!
Locally everything is working fine. I uploded the complete directory again into another directory on the same server w/o success.
I also tried direct bplced url

Is there any idea what's wrong?


P.S. I figured out that the News manager is not I18N but different one so it seems the problem is anyhow more related the getsimple core.
dey Wrote:I also tried direct bplced url

Do you call get_header() in the HTML head?
Try to remove the (% gallery %) on top.