Hi. A little background:
> GetSimple v3.0
> Latest download (today) of I18N Gallery
> Hosted site with Hostgator
> New installation of I18N Gallery, so no galleries created yet
I'm getting the following message when clicking 'add images' to a new gallery:
Quote:Firefox can't find the file at http://(url)/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php?func=addImage&w=160&h=120.
I've followed the setup and troubleshooting instructions to the letter and reviewed them couple of times now, including those at the beginning of this thread, with no luck.
I notice that when I click 'save gallery' and then 'view all galleries' there are no galleries listed, which suggests that the galleries aren't saving - but I wondered if you had to upload images first.
I also found the post post in this thread where someone has a similar problem and it's said that 'the .htaccess in /plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/ must have Allow from all.'. I've checked this and this is set correctly.
So here is the status:
> sitewide cookies are enabled in gsconfig.php by removing the #
> "Website Base URL" in Settings/General Settings in the GetSimple administration is set to the correct host name, with which i log in
> plugins/i18n_gallery/loadtab.php was copied to admin
> directory data/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable (755)
> directory backups/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable (755)
> .htaccess in /plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/ has 'Allow from all' set
Any help with this issue would be much appreciated!
I found the solution
plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php - changed from 777 to 755
plugins/i18n_gallery/browser - changed from 777 to 755
plugins/i18n_gallery - changed from 777 to 755
All 3 settings are required.
Had to do the same for pic.php since files wouldn't show - should all files for this plugin be 755 (ie the files in plugins/i18n_gallery)? They installed as 777.