GetSimple Extend Repository

173 results found for "ip"

Admin Header Footer 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to add any code to the and footer sections of your GetSimple control panel. Both take...
Tagged: header footer additional admin

Simple Mobile Theme Changer 2.0 (Plugin)

Automatically detects users browser, if the browser is that of a mobile phone it will switch the theme to the...
Tagged: Mobile iPhone webOS Android iPad iPod

Script Injector 0.2 (Plugin)

Allows you to setup multiple scripts, iframes anything client side and then in the page on the spot where...
Tagged: javascript inject page iframe

Dominion Blog/News 0.5a (Plugin)

Allows you to create multiple blogs and news groups with items under them with images etc. News items will...
Tagged: blog news

Keyword Search 1.0.1 (Plugin)

A search plugin for GetSimple. It is similar to [nexfo's](
Tagged: plugin search keyword

Dominion jCart 0.5e (Plugin)

Carting system for multiple categories and products. With product descriptions and pictures. Can currently do...
Tagged: cart shopping orders

SimpleCache 0.9 (Plugin)

A very simple page cache for Get Simple. Individual cached pages are flushed when updated. Backend...
Tagged: cache

Client Files 0.9 (Plugin)

This plugin is designed to provide private file downloads. I created this to provide files of ongoing work...
Tagged: client upload file

GSgallery (Simple Image Gallery) 2.5.3 (Plugin)

GSgallery is a Simple Image Gallery plugin for GetSimple CMS. **Features:** - Create multiple...
Tagged: gallery images portfolio squareit gsgallery

SimplePageContent 1.2 (Plugin)

If you need to load a block in every page of your web site, but you want an editable page for that block, you...
Tagged: page content template php function

Old Default GetSimple Theme 2.0 (Theme)

With the impending 3.0 update to GetSimple, this default theme is being retired. A new default theme will...
Tagged: default theme simple

HitCount 2.3.0 (Plugin)

For all those who want an integrated hit and visitor count or don't trust Google Analytics & Co,...
Tagged: hits visitors hit count user agent referer languages systems

InsAcademy 1.5 (Theme)

The latest version can be found at: (choose...
Tagged: theme classics design

Front-End User Login 3.1 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Users Can Register For An Account * Users Can Sign In And Logout * ...
Tagged: user login login multi user front-end login

Google map 2.0 (Plugin)

This plugin displays a map of Google Maps on your GetSimple...
Tagged: google map

Spoiler Plugin 1.9 (Plugin)

This Plugin adds the ability to use [spoiler] [/spoiler] BBCode Style on GetSimple Pages. It is optimized...
Tagged: Spoiler

Status Messages 0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin can be used to display status messages (update, error) in back-end plugin pages. It is almost...
Tagged: plugin status message

I18N Gallery 2.3.0 (Plugin)

You can create multiple image galleries as collection of images with titles and descriptions (in multiple...
Tagged: gallery images pictures slide show slides photo

ARGuestbook 1.2.0 (Plugin)

With this plugin you can have a complete guestbook on your getsimple site,it has post management (from admin...
Tagged: guestbook news manager

Guestbook 4.5.6 (Plugin)

Add a guestbook to your site easily.<br /> <br /> <b>Description and...
Tagged: guestbook comments emoticons reply captcha bbcode

Mp3 Player Ultimate 0.2e (Plugin)

Flexible Mp3 Player system that allows one to select from multiple mp3 players as your base player. Allows...
Tagged: mp3 player audio music

Static pages plugin 0.3 (Plugin)

The purpose of the plugin is to create a plain html version of the pages created in GS. Pages can also be...
Tagged: static page remote

Mail Newsletter 1.0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin sends an email with custom subject and body to email address list....
Tagged: mail newsletter distribution subscription list email

Custom Title 1.5 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to change the default title tag, you can use the following variables: -...
Tagged: custom title seo

Extend downloader 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin will allow you to download and install items form the extend from within your...
Tagged: Extend Downloader Plugin

Calendar 1.8 (Plugin)

With this plugin, you can create a simple calendar and add events with descriptions to everyday calendar. You...
Tagged: calendar events event

GetSimple Contactable 1.9 (Plugin)

*** This plugin is for GS 3.1 and above only !!! *** GS Contactable is a Getsimple plugin designed to...
Tagged: GS3.1 email form contact form

MLD newsletter 0.8 (Plugin)

The MLD newsletter plugin adds full e-mail newsletter functionality to your GetSimple website. Let visitors...
Tagged: newsletter email news

I18N Special Pages 1.4.3 (Plugin)

The I18N Special Pages plugin allows you to define types of pages with custom fields, customized behaviour...
Tagged: custom fields fields news blog products items display search

SA X-XSS off 1.1 (Plugin)

Sends header to disable cient based XSS protection. Webkit browsers have a filter that is made to prevent...
Tagged: admin xss chrome

Simple Newsletter Plugin 1.01 (Plugin)

This is a newsletter plugin that allows the emailing of any page as a newsletter. The plugin handles...
Tagged: Plugin Newsletter Email

Coa 1.11 (Plugin)

**Coa, a GetSimple framework** Coa is a powerful framework to create lean and functional templates. It...
Tagged: framework template language simple translation additional content tags hierarchical breadcrumb extended menus

BSG Admin Header Background 1.1 (Plugin)

For those who use GetSimple on multiple installations, it's sometimes uneasy to identify at a glance on...
Tagged: admin customization

SEO Manager 1.0 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Ability to add/delete keyphrases to place in template files * Ability...
Tagged: getsimple seo seo search engine google

Simple Backups 1.0.5 (Plugin)

Automated, schedulable remote and local backups for your GetSimple websites - because accidents...
Tagged: automatic backups simplebackups ftp s3 email schedule cron

Font Resizer 1.01 (Plugin)

I have created a new plugin that allows a website visitor to increase/decrease the font size of the page...
Tagged: Font Resizing Plugin

Plugin Reorder 1.01 (Plugin)

I have created a plugin that allows the admin to reorder the plugins so that content is loaded in the order...
Tagged: Plugins Reorder

I18N plugin italian translation 1 (Plugin Language)

The [i18n plugin]( by mvlcek, including italian...
Tagged: i18n italian

Flamingo 2.2.2 (Theme)

2.2.2 UPDATE: Reference fix for background images (again) 2.2.1 UPDATE: Fixed validation errors. Charts...
Tagged: theme responsive flamingo mobile optimized theme html5

Pajax 1.4.5 (Plugin)

This has been open sourced Pajax loads content through ajax. It's...
Tagged: pajax ajax navigation content load 5wooley4

Simple Mobile 0.1 (Theme)

Simple theme using jquery mobile
Tagged: mobile android ios iphone chrome

SA Development Suite 0.8 (Plugin)

## Development plugin to assist developers ## Version: 0.8 Compatibility: 3.1 Plugin Type:...
Tagged: developer debug console benchmark programming

myCompany theme 1.2 (Theme)

Thank you for using myCompany theme for GetSimple CMS. This theme is HTML5/CSS3 responsive - so you...
Tagged: theme mycompany responsive css3 html5 pixelofficer

GSEventCalendar 0.2 (Plugin)

A Simple Event List Plugin with ICS page Template. Changelog v0.2: ICS.php > One Line Discription ...
Tagged: Events Calendar ICS

Simple C(ontact) 0.0.3 (Plugin)

This plugin is a fork of Nicolas Liautaud's popular [p01-contact...
Tagged: form contact contact form

BhMadeCity 1.1 (Theme)

GS theme with nice header and menubar, valide xhtml, fixed width, published date on page footer What new...
Tagged: fixed width 900px xhtml fast light wide right sidebar

GS Blog 1.5 (Plugin)

**Outline Of Plugin:** * Create blog posts * Blog categories * Post archives * Recent...
Tagged: gs-blog blog news manager pages posts special categories rss

GZipIt! 0.3 (Plugin)

<b>GZip</b>It enables gzip compression per zlib.output_compression. If it is not enabled, PHP...
Tagged: gzip compression kompression speed pagespeed ladezeit geschwindigkeit

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager 1.5 (Plugin)

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager - This is new release of Extended News Manager Plugin. Features: ======= * ...
Tagged: news news manager blog blog manager

RSS Import 0.1a (Plugin)

**Description** A very simple RSS feed import for showing headlines of an RSS feed in your sidebar. This...
Tagged: rss import external feed

Syntax Highlighting for Components View using ACE Javascript editor. 0.1 (Plugin)

Performs syntax highlighting at admin components view using the [ACE editor](
Tagged: Component Syntax Highlighting ACE Syntax Highlighting Editor Javascript

kt block login 2.0 (Plugin)

This is a very simple plugin that will block an IP address for one hour after three failed login...
Tagged: login block deny

sa hook components 0.2.2 (Plugin)

Auto executes components based on plugin hooks. Just name the component to match the hook name and it will...
Tagged: plugin hook component php script code dev

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager 2.0 2.2 (Plugin)

TIDEngine News/Blog Manager - This is 2.0 release completely updated from version 1.0+. Release 2.2 with...
Tagged: news news manager blog blog manager

Club Theme 1.2 (Theme)

This is a fully responsive theme that supports multiple true columns. However the columns do require some...
Tagged: responsive columns mobile custom header image

KCFinder File Manager 2.2 (Plugin)

This plugin provides a new File manager which allows you o - detach the File Manager to have it at your...
Tagged: File manager plugin

Small Plugin Toolkit 1.5 (Plugin)

1.5 Simplified and loosened the restrictions when discovering tokens. This plugin is a small collection of...
Tagged: plugin toolkit helper function hook data form easy

I18N Special Pages extras 1.25 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to control which special page fields are required, validate fields by regex, it allows...
Tagged: field required field validation special pages field info required I18N Special Pages images

GetPro Theme 1.0 (Theme)

GetPro Theme doesn't use any graphics but it has demo image, mini images for payment for and favicons....
Tagged: getpro theme responsive free professional template getsimple gsthemes

GroupDocs Documents Viewer 1.0 (Plugin)

The GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud plugin for GetSimple allows you to embed documents, complete with an online...
Tagged: groupdocs online viewer documents viewer pdf viewer

SimpleMin640 1.0 (Theme)

The older theme SimpleMin checked, improved, tidied and reduced in width suitable for all sites, easy to edit...
Tagged: simple iphone white sidebar nav custom title seo

Responsive Junge 1.0 (Theme)

Simple, responsive theme with brown background and almost white font color. All the page content is...
Tagged: Responsive Web Design Open Font MIT Licence

FoundationNation Responsive Theme 0.5 (Theme)

FoundationNation ================== ## Responsive Theme for GetSimple ## * * * ![FoundationNation...
Tagged: FoundationNation Zurb Foundation Responsive Theme Plugin PHP jQuery HTML5 CSS3 WebDev Photo LevyImage Slider

GroupDocs Document Signature 1.0 (Plugin)

GroupDocs.Signature for Cloud plugin allows you to sign electronic documents online, without the need of...
Tagged: plugin groupdocs signature

Plopfolio - Easy portfolio 1.3 (Plugin)

Plopfolio // Easy portfolio for getsimple =========================== You can create a portfolio...
Tagged: portfolio gallery plopfolio manager briefcase media pictures photo keywords link

GSkeleton 1.2 (Theme)

This is the responsive boilerplate Skeleton by Dave Gamache made ready for GetSimple. "A Beautiful...
Tagged: responsive html5 boilerplate grid

Downloads Manager 1.2 (Plugin)

What it does ? If you want to provide some Downloading stuff from your website, and are concerned about -...
Tagged: downloading file management files Prasoon Gupta CPI

nanoGALLERY4GS 4.4.2a (Plugin)

**Image gallery plugin.** A powerful and easy to setup GetSimple plugin for displaying image galleries,...
Tagged: Image Gallery Slideshow Photo Google Photos Google+ Flickr

nanoSLIDER4GS 1.2.0a (Plugin)

This plugin is a portage of the **NIVO SLIDER** to **GetSimple CMS**. It provides a very easy method to...
Tagged: Image Slider Slideshow Photo Picasa Google+ Flickr

Striped 0.1 (Theme)

a clean, minimalistic design template from html5up. Best used for medium - long type of content. Not...
Tagged: clean minimalistic design black and white

GetSimpleBootstrap 1 (Theme)

Theme based on bootstrap, the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive,...
Tagged: bootstrap swipe gallery responsive

Redirect 0.1 (Plugin)

This simple plugin allows you to redirect individual pages to other pages (in the site, or external...
Tagged: redirect redirection slug url uri

Fartscroll 1.0 (Plugin)

Give your website wind. ================== A very simple plugin to include the Onions fartscroll script...
Tagged: fart noise annoying the onion

Seascape 2 1.1 (Theme)

Demo at <> An original theme for GetSimple with the following...
Tagged: white responsive sticky banner

Clicker Theme 1.0 (Theme)

Theme created based on...
Tagged: clicker fixed-width 2 columns business corporate

Structured menu 1.0 (Plugin)

Structured Menu is a GetSimple-plugin, that translates the flat menustructure of the GetSimple-standard-menu...
Tagged: menu structured hirarchical sub-menu submenu child parent

GS Evolve 0.5 (Theme)

GS Evolve is not only good-looking, professionally designed, but also fast. Theme used dynamic scripts...
Tagged: responsive jssor animated multilevel menu slideshow layerslider google maps captcha

Arch theme 1.0 (Theme)

A simple and clear theme easy to edit with a slideshow on the home page. You' ll need some extra plugins...
Tagged: tech architect theme

FR Traduction en français : French translation for 3.2.3 3.2.3 (Language)

Language Description: ================= Traduction en FRançais de GetSimple v.3.2.3 Translated...
Tagged: 3.2 3.1 3.1.2 french language

Google Universal Analytics 0.3 (Plugin)

Based off of the Google Analytics plugin by [Philip Newcomer](,...
Tagged: google analytics tracking

FR Traduction en francais : French translation for 3.2.3+ 3.2.3+ (Language)

Language Description: ================= C'est la traduction en français de GetSimple...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

FR Traduction en francais pour v.3.3 : French translation for 3.3-ready 3.3 (Language)

Description: ========= C'est la traduction en français pour GetSimple v.3.3 This is the...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

i18n Gallery FR lang 2.1 (Plugin Language)

Description: ========= C'est la traduction en français pour i18n Gallery v.2.1 This is the...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

i18n Custom Fields FR lang 2.1 (Plugin Language)

Description: ========= C'est la traduction en français pour i18n Custom Fields v.2.1 This...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

News Manager FR lang 2.4.4 (Plugin Language)

Description: ========= C'est la traduction en français pour News Manager v.2.4.4 This is...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

i18n Search FR lang 2.11 (Plugin Language)

Description: ========= C'est la traduction en français pour i18n Search v.2.11 This is the...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

Simpliste 1.2 (Theme)

Theme conversion of **simpliste** (resonsive) theme by **Renat Rafikov**. More info on original...
Tagged: responsive

Custom Menu FR lang file 0.5 (Plugin Language)

Description: ========= C'est la traduction en français pour Custom Menu: Menu...
Tagged: french french language french translation français traduction française version française

Image Resizer 1.05 (Plugin)

This plugins let's you dynamically generate resized images from your uploads folder. It supports...
Tagged: image resizer resizer responsive image

Flat Mobile 1.1 (Theme)

This is a simple mobile theme I made from scratch because none of the other ones on here worked well for me. ...
Tagged: mobile theme flat simple mobi works working

TS Redirect 0.1a (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to integrate any link in your menu. By tagging the keyword-field with...
Tagged: redirect menu navigation links

Less 0.9.1 (Plugin)

This plugin helps you write your style sheets in "less" instead of CSS and will automatically...
Tagged: less css theme

TS LinkChanger 0.2 (Plugin)

## Background GetSimple stores any link and picture as an absolute URL. If you move your site e.g. from...
Tagged: link content

SCSS 0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin helps you write your style sheets in SCSS instead of CSS and will automatically compile these...
Tagged: scss css theme

Russian translation for Image Resizer 1.0 (Plugin Language)

Russian translation of a Image Resizer plugin. Added tips from plugin author.
Tagged: image resizer Rassian translation language

i18n Announce 0.1 (Plugin)

Description ---- The i18n_announce plugin allows you to display short messages are shown for a specific...
Tagged: announce i18n

Front-End User Login Enhanced 1.7.2 (Plugin)

**A plugin for rights control for page access at the front end.** Users can register for the page, to get...
Tagged: user+login login multi+user front-end+login

CD - Open Graph & Social Integrations 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin provides Open Graph and other social integration's. <br> <br> <b>Add...
Tagged: Open Graph Social Integration Facebook Google+ Authorship SEO

NivoSlider for I18N Gallery 1.0 (Plugin)

<p>This "plugin to a plugin" adds <i>another</i> gallery type to the...
Tagged: slider gallery responsive

MapCreator 4.1 (Plugin)

![]( This plugin add maps to your website with MapCreator Based on...
Tagged: mapcreator leaflet openstreetmap google map

Extra Gallery 1.09 (Plugin)

Extra Gallery is a backend plugin for creating galleries, with advanced features like: custom fields,...
Tagged: gallery multi language cropping thumbnail images galleries extra

GroupDocs.Viewer for Java | PDF Document Viewer 1.0 (Plugin)

GroupDocs.Viewer is a universal document viewer that lets you display PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,...
Tagged: groupdocs document viewer java document viewer java pdf viewer pdf viewer pdf word excel powepoint

Knacss GS 1.1 (Theme)

#Warning! This is using version 3 of Knacss. Version 4 is now the version on their website. All documentation...
Tagged: css framework framework basic start simple responsive

Foundation5 with SASS support 1.2 (Theme)

This is a clean responsive theme, based on Foundation 5.4.7 framework. It support scss stylesheets. All...
Tagged: Framework HTML5 Responsive SASS COMPASS

Download Manager by 1.0.5 (Plugin)

Download Manager for...
Tagged: download files manager count logs no hotlinking stats shortcodes

GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 1.0 (Plugin)

Let your users view and annotate PDF, Microsoft Office, CAD and 50+ other document and image types right on...
Tagged: groupdocs document annotation pdf annotation image annotation

SimpleTheme 1.0.0 (Theme)

This theme is a GetSimple CMS responsive theme, builded with Bootstrap 3, and tested with GetSimple...
Tagged: responsive light jumbotron bootstrap two columns option panel

BootSimple 1.0.3 (Theme)

BootSimple is a small responsive theme based on Bootstrap 3.3.2. Its very small (only 3 files, about 8kB and...
Tagged: Bootstrap responsive submenu small

Piwik Integration 1.0 (Plugin)

Updated version of the Piwik stats plugin...
Tagged: piwik plugin statistic

Metro Goldwyn Mayer 1 (Admin Theme)

Inspired by the logo colors of a childhood's favorite cartoon provider, [Metro Goldwyn...
Tagged: brown gold yellow earth admin theme

Startbootstrap-Clean-Blog 1.1 (Theme)

#New Replaced contact form on plugin GetSimple Contact...
Tagged: bootstrap blog clean responsive

cleanUpload 2.0 (Plugin)

This is cleaning your "Upload" from garbage (not used files in content or gallery albums &...
Tagged: clean upload files content

ItemManager 2.4.6 (Plugin)

# ItemManager 2 ItemManager (IM) is a simple flat-file framework for GetSimple-CMS that allows you to...
Tagged: catalog shop blog article lists data management database emulator flat-file framework

Light Bar 1.3 (Plugin)

I created next plugin, this is add sidebar menu to the frontend, you can customize this if you want. ...
Tagged: frontend menu light admin light menu.

GS Plugin Installer 1.4.8 (Plugin)

GS Plugin Installer is a plugin installer created for the GetSimple CMS, versions 3.3.x, It has not been...
Tagged: plugin installer manager automatic installer

DY Lorem Ipsum 1.0 (Plugin)

Lorem Ipsum text generator. Useful tool for theme developer. Place shortcodes in a page content and view...
Tagged: content development generator

Responsive FileManager 2.8 (Plugin)

This plugin is a great project called Responsive filemanager integration into GetSimple CMS.<br> **RFM...
Tagged: file manager responsive upload image edit tools animated image gallery

Red Agency 0.3.1 (Theme)

This is full responsive theme that uses Bootstrap v. 3.3.5 capabilities. Theme basic features:<br> 1....
Tagged: responsive bootstrap animated multilevel menu slideshow layerslider google maps captcha

Migrate 0.4 (Plugin)

This plugin automates the URLs modifying in cases when site changes the domain address.<br> The...
Tagged: migrate move site another domain i18n special fields

URI Redirect Plus 0.2.4 (Plugin)

Redirect URIs to internal or external pages (with '301 Moved Permanently' header). Also view the...
Tagged: URI URL redirect omadressering

PhotoSwipe for I18N Gallery 1.0 (Plugin)

[PhotoSwipe]( "PhotoSwipe") - JavaScript gallery, no dependencies. Gallery...
Tagged: gallery responsive

Lightbox plugin 1.6 (Plugin)

Lightbox is a plug-in for displaying full-size images from thumbnails and for creating simple image...
Tagged: gallery lightbox

Referrer Blocker 1.1.0 (Plugin)

Referrer Blocker is a plugin that inspects the referrer of a website visitor, and checks it against a list...
Tagged: referrer spam block

Open Graph Manager 0.0.2 (Plugin)

# Open Graph Manager Plugin for Get Simple CMS This plugin can be used to extend the [Get Simple...
Tagged: open graph twitter cards facebook meta tags twitter

Wow CSS Framework 1.1 (Theme)

Demo at <> Wow CSS Framework is a very basic and lightweight CSS...
Tagged: responsive starter boilerplate bootstrap grid dropdown

Future Imperfect 1.1 (Theme)

A free site template from html5up. Responsive with a nice mobile menu and a lot of css for images, tables,...
Tagged: blog responsive

Frontainer 1.0.1 (Plugin)

Frontainer is a lightweight frontend user management and password authorization plugin for GetSimple-CMS,...
Tagged: frontend user management password authorization login private area

SimpleForum 1.0 (Theme)

SimpleForum theme script is just a simple theme example to show you how you can use ItemManager framework to...
Tagged: forum commentars user management

GShttpBL 0.3 (Plugin)

This plugin uses's http:BL service to detect bots (by IP address) and prevents them...
Tagged: blacklist block bot honeypot

nanoGALLERY for I18N Gallery 1.0.2 (Plugin)

A cool gallery plugin, mobile friendly fully responsive and swipe action, with slideshow...
Tagged: gallery image picture photo slide show slideshow responsive swipe

Violet (gaming theme) 1.0 (Theme)

I created new modern theme with css/html/js Demo: <a...
Tagged: theme gaming modern responsive themes

Search Widgets 0.2 (Plugin)

Search Widgets expands the possibilities of i18n_search and i18n_specialpages plugins. This plugin can be...
Tagged: catalog commerce shop search filtering sorting pagination

Basket plugin MOD 1.2.4 (Plugin)

This plugin is an original Basket Plugin modification. Basket MOD Plugin is based on Basket Plugin ver....
Tagged: basket catalog commerce shop search i18n

eShop for RA 0.2 (Theme)

"eShop for RA" is not separate theme. This is the add-on to the theme "Red Agency", which...
Tagged: basket catalog commerce shop search i18n addon

Components Extended 0.9.3 (Plugin)

# GS Components Extended Augmented functionality for cleaner and more powerful GetSimpleCMS...
Tagged: component slug get_component ajax modified created date components extended

ItemManager's Photogallery 1.0.0 (Theme)

**ItemManager's Photogallery**...
Tagged: gallery photogallery jquery lightbox

Albanian Translation Language News Manager 1.1 (Plugin Language)

News Manager Plugin Shqip, Albanian file, this ist just for News Manager Plugin
Tagged: News Manager Albanian plugin albanian shqip

Verti 1.1 (Theme)

All credit for design to . This is a straight conversion of their template. My demo of the GS...
Tagged: responsive drop down

CSS CKeditor 0.5 (Plugin)

**CSS CKeditor** *Description* This plugin is a simple manager that allows you to use a specific CSS...
Tagged: CSS CKeditor WYSIWYG

Twig Plugin 1.3 (Plugin)

This plugin allows you to use the Twig template engine within the themes that use it. In particular, the...
Tagged: template engine twig simple theme mvc model view control graphic design

gsStellar 1.0 (Theme)

gsStellar is a modern, simple, one-column bright theme. Original made by HTML5UP has been adapted for newest...
Tagged: gs gsstellar stellar theme responsive simple one column.white colour color

Simple Thumbs 0.2 (Plugin)

Plugin is intended to help with thumbnails regeneration when you change default thumbnail size or you want to...
Tagged: thumbnails thumbs

Skeleton FX 0.1.2 (Theme)

Skeleton-FX (Futured eXpandable) designed specifically for professional web designers.<br> Skeleton-FX...
Tagged: responsive animated multilevel menu CSS only slideshow fast google maps captcha multilanguage

MSbip - Blocking by IP address 1.1 (Plugin)

Blocking user access to the site by the IP address. In the "settings" section the...
Tagged: blockip ip ipadress

German language 3.3.13 (Language)

German language file for GetSimple. This translation was initially based on [German Language File GS 3.3...
Tagged: german language translation deutsch

Russian translation for Image Resizer v1,1 1.1 (Plugin Language)

Russian translation of a Image Resizer plugin. Added tips from plugin author.
Tagged: image resizer Rassian translation language

i18n_gallery_modify 1.0 (Plugin)

This modify give you a new function for manipulate gallery. If you have a many alboms in gallery this add...
Tagged: i18n_gallery gallery

ImForms 0.3 (Plugin)

ImForms is a light-weight, user-friendly plugin that allows you to build and manage customizable forms for...
Tagged: form email contact form creater

Files Warden 1.1 (Plugin)

Shows changes made on the website. Useful for viruses check. ![]( Based...
Tagged: plugin admin changes

regenerate_thumbnails 1.1 (Plugin)

This plugin regenerates thumbnails when you change the default thumbnail size in gsconfig.php. The plugin...
Tagged: regenerate thumbnails thumbs

Czech Language for ItemManager 2.4.5 1.0 (Plugin Language)

Czech translation for ItemManager 2.4.5; I've tried to translate as many strings as possible,...
Tagged: item manager data management database emulator flat-file framework czech language

Stripe Payment System Plugin (updated 0.8 (Plugin)

## Stripe Payments Plugin __0.8__ We have our first Stripe payments plugin for Get Simple CMS. This...
Tagged: Payment Gateway online pay

Collapsable pages (Backend) Created andy-man & Carlos edit by multicolor 0.1 (Plugin)

Adds collapse/expand-functionality to page-list script by andy-man / plugin created by Carlos / added...
Tagged: collapse subpages subpages hide dropdown subpages pages hide

Grid Me (content grid manager) 1.4 (Plugin)

This plugin add grid options for your content:) This is still early version, but you can now use this for...
Tagged: grid ckeditor plugin content

Simple Access Plugin 1.1 (Plugin)

# Simple Access Plugin An updated version from the original and much simpler. Depending on the...
Tagged: admin permissions users pages control access

Preloaders GS (vanilla javascript) 2.0 (Plugin)

This plugin add easy preloader to your website:) 1.0 6 example with easy to replace for own. This...
Tagged: preloader theme preloader great preloader

V3LSEC: Very3 Login Security 1.0.6 (Plugin)

#### Updates * 1.0.6 adds user-aware tab (can be hidden), improved form validation, inline help, bug...
Tagged: authentication login security logging notifications

My SMTP Contact 1.1.2 (Plugin)

This plugin will help you to set up a contact form with captcha and checkbox. Plugin can be used SMTP (Simple...
Tagged: contact form contact contacts smtp form forms mail

IcThemeGetSimple v1 1.0 (Theme)

Fantastic, amazing, html template, the benchmark of all super quality. :) Made without a single nail,...
Tagged: Theme i18n simple

My Gallery 1.0.5 (Plugin)

This plugin will help you create a gallery. - ability to select scripts for output (BaguetteBox,...
Tagged: gallery photo images pictures thumbnails

ItemManager Theme 1.2 (Theme)

Description The purpose of the ItemManager-Theme is example use of the ItemManager v2.4.6 plugin. See the...

Massive Admin Theme 5.0.1 (Plugin)

It has long ceased to be a plug-in that changes the appearance of your favorite CMS system. This is one...
Tagged: admin theme theme

Custom JS 0.1 (Plugin)

This plugin adds custom JavaScript code to any GetSimple CMS theme footer.
Tagged: Custom JS JavaScript

CorrectMyUrl 1.0 (Plugin)

This plugin replace/fix your links and images on your website from old url adress, to new. This plugin no...
Tagged: migrate url correct url fix url news manager thumnbail

MonsterGallery 3.0 (Plugin)

Gallery plugin you want use it! This is an easy to use gallery plugin with 5 modern solutions excluding...
Tagged: gallery plugin

Carousel Creator 4.0 (Plugin)

![]( Every day I struggle with the same boring activity, creating a...
Tagged: carousel carousel creator slider creator slider slider homepage

Easy Contact Button 1.4 (Plugin)

This script displays a "Contact-Us" or "WhatsApp" button in the left or right bottom...
Tagged: whatsapp contact button

SEOGPT 1.1 (Plugin)

AI content creation has now arrived for GetSimple Cant think of some nice text to add to your site? Clients...
Tagged: Seo open ai chatgpt ai text ckeditor text generator

MultiField 🏖️ 3.1 (Plugin)

3.1 - fixed value after delete some input. - added variant input for all page - added checkbox and...
Tagged: MultiFields

ah-contact 0.2305 (Plugin)

Very simple Contact Form. It will be displayed on an manual created, empty Page named "Contact" in...
Tagged: GetSimple Frontend Contact Plugin

EasyStats 📊 1.0 (Plugin)

this plugin shows statistics by counting only unique IP addresses on a website * Easy to use - just...
Tagged: stats views count statistic easy stast

BlockContent Plugin 4.0 (Plugin)

## BlockContent Plugin for GetSimple CMS - 🛸Easy to use Wysywig for GetSimple CMS - 🛸Modern upload...
Tagged: editor.js wysywig

dojacatplig #3.3.3 (Plugin)

This is the description